And the winner is ...

The Nordic Youth Film Festival 2018 is over. We had a great time with 44 participants from 15 different countries at the workshop who made great films (watch the films here...)

Out of nearly 700 submissions we selected 44 films for the international and the Nordic film competition. Two jurys selected 5 winners for the different categories:
The best International Film
Best nordic film age group <18
Best nordic film age group 19-21
Best nordic film age group 22-26
Best nordic film

Internasjonale jury:
Lasse Gjertsen (filmskaper fra Norge), Mohamed Jabaly (Filmskaper Gaza/Tromsø), Alessandro Belelli (TVIBIT)

Nordisk Jury:
Leif Holst Jensen (Foreningen Norden), Thomas Skogstad (Tromsø Film Klubb), John-Kristian Dalseth (Tromsø Internasjonale Filmfestival)

And here the winners:

Best international film 

The Big Show.jpg

The Big Show
By Julien Jennequin (France)

The winning film is very unique. It has a high artistic value, a powerful political message which is carried by dark humor and surrealism. It is a brutally honest portrait of how populism and mass media can affect our daily lives; a beautiful and elegant way of storytelling by using a rich repertoire of techniques, which made a great impact between the lines of the film.

Best film age group <18


By Adam Onishi (Sweden)

The winner is a fun and entertaining film that makes the most out of a modest budget. It’s efficient in its use of sound and music, and is also carried by a charming lead performance. It’s based on a simple idea but is not afraid to ask big questions. It’s very ambitious, but at the same time does not take itself too seriously.

Best film age group 19-21: 


Soaring Soldiers
by Cecilie Elmholt Skou (Denmark)

The winner explores the border between fantasy and reality from a child's perspective. It covers the theme of coming to terms with the realities of life. It also expands on this by discussing the consequences of friendship, and executes it very well. The film has impressive photography and a great performance by young actors.

Best film age group 22 – 26:


by Jonathan Wilhelmsson (Sweden)

The winner is an original, creative and memorable film. It’s epic in scale, but intimate in its core. It’s a story about the big themes of love, life and death that is told through the use of beautiful photography, impressive visual effects and clever dialogue.

Best Nordic film
(10000,- NOK funded by Foreningen Norden)


When we meet again
by William Sehested Høeg (Denmark)

The winner is a film about an important theme, difficult situations, responsibility, friendship and love, but also how to handle a strong dilemma and the importance of honesty. The filmmakers tell a story partly revealing what has happen, good script, excellent casting and acting. The director and the team show great talent in storytelling.

Audience award 

When we meet again
by William Sehested Høeg (Denmark)