Nordic-Palestinian Young Filmmakers Workshop 2018

Film workshop with young filmmakers from Sweden, Greenland, Denmark, Norway & Palestine September 3rd - 17th in Ramallah, Palestine.

When young people from the Nordic countries meet young Palestinians in Palestine first a huge gap seems to exist: the political, social and cultural situation of these two parts of the world could not be more diverse! But meeting people to people is closing this gap every hour they will spent time together and especially when they work together with a cultural approach.

This is what the project is about. Based on the experience of the last years project Young Nordic Film Days in Palestine, we want to bring Young Nordic and Palestinian filmmakers together to go through real-life experience based on social, cultural and professional aspects. The Nordic & Palestinian participants suppose to spent time together, make films together and share daily life.

Watch the two workshop results here:

Workshop film of the Young Nordic Film Days in Palestine September 3rd - 17th 2018 in Ramallah, Palestine
Workshop film of the Young Nordic Film Days in Palestine September 3rd - 17th 2018 in Ramallah, Palestine